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According to a 2014 CDC/AADE analysis of health claims from people with private health plans and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, less than 7% of patients were ever referred for DSMES, though 83% of those who are referred end up participating in diabetes education programs.
In 2015, the American Diabetes Association (ADA), Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES), and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics issued a joint position statement on the importance of DSME in type 2 diabetes. The position statement includes an evidence-based diabetes education algorithm that visually depicts when to refer people with type 2 diabetes to DSME and defines four critical times for delivery of DSMES:
At diagnosis
During annual assessment
When a person with diabetes has new complicating factors
Upon transitions in care
Below is a full-page version of the Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: ALGORITHM ACTION STEPS.
The Value of Diabetes Education
How do I refer a patient?Fax a referral to 610.646.5416 or call 484.329.0796 to request referral pads be sent to your office.
What happens post-referral?Referral received via HIPAA-compliant online form or via fax Outbound call made to patient within 24 hours Call made to insurance plan to obtain eligibility & benefit details Patient enrolled & confirmation sent to patient Reminder call/text/email sent to patient 24-48 hours before session and reminders for each Subsequent session Once education complete, note sent to referring provider
Where are sessions held?At West Chester University or West Chester East High School Telehealth sessions also available
What are the goals of the program?Improve self-care knowledge and skills Increase compliance with self-care regimen Increase compliance with medication regimen Shorten length of stay for inpatient hospitalizations Improve glycemic control as demonstrated by decreased A1c values Decrease ER visits
Why should I refer my patients?Teaching all the different components to diabetes self-management takes time. The Empower DSME program is YOUR support system. Refer your patients to DSME for comprehensive education and behavior modification. Your referral + DSME education = Patient success!
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